My Oil Journey
Hey there! I am so glad you’re here! These little bottles of liquid gold + magical plant power have been a true blessing for my family and me. (I know, I know, such a stereotypical and possibly eyeroll inducing thing to say, but what can I say? It’s true, it’s true, and I don’t care who knows it!) I first started using essential oils after the birth of my second daughter. I was curious, but admittedly, very skeptical. Because seriously, why in the heck are they so expensive. Also, they can’t possibly work. I’m getting ahead of myself so let me back it on up a bit.
After the birth of my first daughter, I suffered. I had undiagnosed postpartum depression. It took almost a year to somehow work out of it on my own. Let me just say, I don’t recommend it. When I became pregnant again I knew I wanted to try and combat that, preferably naturally. I decided to stop looking at the oils on Pinterest for the thousandth time and just buy a dang kit already. I haven’t looked back. Guys, they’re life changing.
So, what are essential oils?
Essential oils are highly concentrated aromatic compounds from plants. They are extracted through distilation methods. Using essential oils gives you a safe + effective natural health option.
What do you use them for?
Let me just say, modern medicine…if you’re listening, I’m a huge fan. I am in no way saying that essential oils should replace any medication you are currently taking that is vital to your livelihood. With that being said, we use essential oils for just about EVERYTHING — from immune support, to cooling down body temperature, ear discomfort, emotional support, sinus discomfort and sleep support, just to name a few. You can read more about how to use them here.
Why Doterra?
This website says it all. No seriously, check it out.
Ready to give oils a shot, head over here an check out your options and what I feel is the best way to start!