Summer Wishlist 2017

Summer for the girls so far has looked like a whole lot like staying in their pajamas until it’s time to get into swimsuits, hunting for rolly pollys, backyard movies, daisy chain making, and crying through every sunscreen application, and making s’mores while Sophie repeated all the steps for us from “the Sandlot.” Teach ’em young guys!. For me, it’s been trying to keep my sanity and enjoy this time while entertaining two wild animals who sunburn in .5 seconds and hate being hot! It’s been wonderful and exhausting all at once. I think that’s pretty much motherhood in a nutshell though, right? Really trying to remember that “the days are long but the years are short.”  As much as I joke, I wouldn’t change this time for anything. Watching the girls’ friendship grow from “just” sisters to actual friends has been the sweetest thing I’ve experienced so far as a mother. Don’t get me wrong, they still fight constantly, but this summer is different. It feels like the beginning for them, you know what I mean? Plus, as their mama, knowing they have each other gives my heart so much peace.

At the beginning of summer, we sat down as a family and made a list of all the fun things we hope to accomplish before school starts back up again.  The girls were finally old enough to add their own ideas and it has been really fun watching them team up to come up with suggestions all their own. They still try to add things daily, but these are the constants.


This Modern Farmhouse Blog // Summer 2017 Wishlist

What do you and your family have planned? Let me know, and we can always make room on the list if there is something we forgot! 😉 Happy Tuesday, babes!





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