Chore chart

Back To School Hack // Before + After School Chore Charts

The first day of school is quickly approaching for us. No amount of denial is changing that. With that said, I figured I better get my butt in gear getting the house and everyone in it ready. I turned to Instagram and Pinterest for inspiration on ways to improve our routine. I don’t know about you, but Instagram is absolutely full to bursting with back to school inspiration on every level – basic school supplies, festive fun, picture props and letterboards, morning hustle hacks, etc…and I. Am. Obsessed! This year will be our fourth year of school, so I thought it would be fun to share a post a day for a week detailing out what’s worked for us and what we’re adding to make the back to school transition as smooth as possible! First up….

// Before School + After School Checklist //

We recently shared our summer checklist and how it’s working for us. I knew immediately it was something I wanted to add in to our daily school year routine as well. A checklist is easy to make, but has a huge impact! It gives my girls enough independence to get ready for the day and do what they need to do when they get home from school without me nagging them. Eloise (4) still needs a LOT of help because of her age, but we’re working on it! Having the list, gives everybody a goal. I usually end up working through the list with Ellie, whereas Sophie (7), does it on her own. I make the lists myself and laminate them so the girls can use a dry erase marker to cross things off as they go. If you don’t want to make your own, check Pinterest and Etsy. They even have some with pictures for kids who can’t read independently yet!

Once they complete their list in the morning, they can watch tv. To be honest, it’s their only goal in the morning. They’ve figured out by now that they’ll be in school all day, so they want to veg for as long as possible before then. Ideally, I’d prefer they read or colored before school, but a little tv never hurt nobody.

This is just what works for our family. I suggest sitting down and thinking of what your kids need to do before school. Not just the basics as in getting dressed and eating breakfast, but also what healthy habits you expect from them. For instance making their beds or putting their laundry away. Remember to keep their ages in mind so it’s achievable, though! The point is to help the morning and after school run more smoothly, not overwhelm everyone with a bunch of chores! After school they also need time to decompress, so keep it simple but effective!

For us, a checklist helps everything run more smoothly and even when they’re young, gets them in to a routine early on. We’re only human, and sometimes everyone wakes up in a funk and the list goes out the window. Sometimes there are days my kids skip a step or three. Or, after I get back from drop off I’ll find laundry shoved under a bed. Remember their age + give them grace.

Another tip is to get started back with wake up and bed time schedule as soon as possible. Summer slide is real. I don’t know about your family but my girls are NOT morning people. If you’re in the same boat, try waking them up a little earlier than necessary to give them time to wake up before the morning hustle starts otherwise it’s a recipe for tears and meltdowns. so. many. meltdowns. If you have an early riser you’re trying to get to stay in bed so other’s can sleep in as much as possible, try an “OK to wake clock”, It glows when its an “okay time to be awake”. We used this for Sophie when Eloise was a baby and it worked like a charm!

As always, thanks for reading, and check back tomorrow for more back to school tips!

xx, Whitney || This Modern Farmhouse

Summer Chore Chart // Schedule

This summer we are trying something new. Normally, we fly by the seat of our pants for summertime. Everyone is so excited to be out of school and not having to pack a lunch (okay, mostly me), that we say YOLO and and all sense of schedule flies out the window. It has worked for us this far, but with both girl’s in full time school in the upcoming fall, I knew that the time for that was pretty much over. I want summer to be fun, but I also don’t want to die a slow death by the time school rolls back around, ya feel me?

Summer Chore Chart // This Modern Farmhouse
Sources listed at the end of post.

In search of the best of both worlds, I came up with this summer schedule. It gives us enough structure and responsibility to keep everybody grounded. It’s also really attainable. We usually finish the list before 9 AM! The rest of the day can be spent on the go or doing something fun! This is also how they earn screen time. When the list is done, they get screen time if they ask for it. I don’t remind them. They’ve forgotten most days so far. This has been our most “screen free summer” yet. MAGIC!

In the beginning of summer, we gave them a reward as incentive. For each day they complete their chores, they take that day’s clip and put it in a jar. The charts aren’t optional unless we have an appointment or something in the morning. So, at the end of the week we have 14 clips in the jar, and they either get treasure box or we do a fun “smaller” activity. By now, they know that the chore lists just need to be done. On occasion we have some whining but for the most part, it’s been really smooth. Although, if you ask the girls, they’d both tell you, they don’t like the lists. Tough cookie.

Summer Chore Chart // This Modern Farmhouse

My husband and I thought about the things we wanted the girls to accomplish each day. Things that we hope will just become engrained in them as a way to start their day. A foundation to build their own daily routines on someday. We came up with this list. We added a box for prayer and affirmations. I really struggled with this, as I didn’t want prayer to feel like a chore. Ultimately, we just decided it was something that they needed to be reminded to do every day.

Summer Chore Chart // Affirmations for Kids // This Modern Farmhouse

I also made them a prayer and affirmation list. Eloise can’t read yet, as she’s only four. Sophie sometimes reads this aloud for them both. Or I read it for her. During the school year, we do affirmations every day on the way to school. This was something I wanted them to keep up. The ones we do on the way to school change from time to time, if someone is struggling with an issue, etc. But this is our core group of affirmations.

I found these clipboards, used my favorite font so the girls could color in the letters for personalization, and laminated them so they could check everything off with a dry erase marker! Easy peasy! Side note: the laminator was very inexpensive and I’m going to use it for so many things in the future!

So tell me, do you have a summer schedule?

Sources to Make Checklists: // Clipboards // Laminator // Laminator Sheets // Weekday Clips – Hobby Lobby

Decor Sources: // Initial Hooks // Embroidered Rainbow // LOL Purse // Maileg Mice // Basket – Vintage // Twin Bed // Full Bed // Duvet // Rug // Pillow // Knit Dog Doll

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